#Used tools craigslist grove ok free
A recent search I did turned up a nice, free washer and dryer, both in working condition. Even better, many people just give stuff away. People look to unload stuff they don’t want any more for dirt cheap prices. Being a minimalist with cash in your pocket is downright glorious! 5. In addition to listing your stuff, you can search the ‘wanted’ classifieds section to see if you have something that someone is looking for.īeing a minimalist is liberating. I wish I had the same luck with an old guitar I currently have listed. My wife recently sold an old snowboard that she hadn’t used in years for as much as she bought it for. It doesn’t hurt to throw it on Craigslist to find out. You know all that old stuff sitting in your closet, basement, or garage? There actually could be a demand out there for some of it. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
#Used tools craigslist grove ok pro
If you do go this route, make sure that the person you are working with is a certified professional versus some two-bit amateur that might end up costing you more than you would have paid in paying for a pro in the first place. Work is hard to come by in this economy for many trade skills, and there are legit pros out there willing to offer their services in exchange for yours, or your junk (goods that is, not the other junk). A recent pull in my locale under the ‘barter’ section resulted in website design, landscaping, auto repair, building, plumbing, carpet installation, and more in exchange for a variety of goods or services. There actually are legit services being bartered on Craigslist. Sell your Services on Craigslist (Barter) If you go this route, always make sure to get paid via cash or other guaranteed payment before signing the title over. I was also getting about 3 contacts per day via the posting, and again, 10-30 visits from the website that I had created for the car. I was able to sell the vehicle within one week of posting it, to someone who first viewed it on Craigslist. Towards the middle of last year I put my car on Craigslist. On a $200,000 house, Craigslist would have just saved you $12,000! 2. Finding a buyer via Craigslist or other self-marketed methods can result in you saving 6% of your home’s sale price on realtor fees. The next time I go FSBO, Craigslist will be one of my marketing tools again. That’s 10-30 potential buyers putting their eyes on pictures of the interior of the house who probably would not have otherwise seen it.
On the site, I was using Google Analytics and discovered that Craigslist was sending about 10-30 visits daily to my website.
I had created a website for the house and linked to it via the Craigslist posting. However, I initially had a buyer lined up who had seen the house through Craigslist within a few days after I put it on the market. When I sold my house for sale by owner, the eventual buyer ended up finding out about the house through drive-by traffic.